This is not the sort of blog that's all "I post my random thoughts from my xcRAZyx life lol!" When we write we write with an audience in mind. But we often just post hilarious youtube videos.
I will post one awesome youtube video per day every day for the month of January, along with other select content. Check back every day for something cool starting....
This is a video of the inmates from a prison in the Philippines acting out Thriller. Yeah, hardened criminals just dancing their asses off. I feel somehow like all of them could be released now and they'd never do wrong again.
I've got this idea about a cool search engine that would work for content sites with "star rating" features. Youtube, for instance. Everyone knows that all "star rating" systems are shitty because there's always some a-hole's friends video that has 5 stars on Youtube only because 50 people have watched it. I want a way to set an exact star rating and minimum view-count and search with or without keywords.
You following me? You are so not following me. Think about it: how much would you love to search youtube videos that have had over 1 million views and still have a 5 star rating. Maybe there's still one- wouldn't you want to see that? Or search for "Monkey" and filter by 200k views and a 4 star rating. Someone will invent this simple technology and I'm not going to ask for something unrealistic like mailing me a million bucks or pulling up next to me in a Lamborghini and throwing me the keys. Just give me a great job in the company is all.
You've really got to see this Yahoo news headline about Will Smith "shocking the world." Will Smith makes the reasonable claim that "I think he woke up in the morning and using a twisted, backwards logic, he set out to do what he thought was 'good'" Will's claim only being backed up with the thought and prestige of Socrates. So Yahoo quotes that lower in the body and puts the headline as "Smith: 'Hitler was a good person'"!
This story is making the rounds through the entire corporate community. Maybe his "family emergency" in New York was an emergency drunken fairy family reunion.
Centralized hub sites like and are taking off but securing an invite is pretty tough. In the meantime I highly recommend utilizing the site shareminer in order to find and obtain albums (I advise that you only download albums that you've paid for and want digital copies of.) Shareminer basically uses all of these google tools that some of us have been utilizing to find online content. The bottom line is that there are these file hosting sites like Rapidshare that allow free uploads and downloads of fairly large files. Blogs whose contributors have uploaded albums to these sites are indexed via google and some have realized that searching them is a plausible way to obtain digital versions of albums.
To demonstrate I'd like to provide you with a somewhat new Noam Chomsky interview from the NPR "on point" series. It's brief but he manages to cover Sept. 11th, Hugo Chavez, Iran, The Democratic Party, Bill Clinton and more. It's hilarious to listen to that poor interviewer try to ask the same tired questions (How did you feel about Fox news' attack on Bill Clinton?) and wind up with typically unaffected Chomsky answers. One reason I imagine he's so rarely interviewed on major outlets is that he's developed this amazing ability to take a lame innocuous restrictive question and start talking about substantive things. Do a shareminer blog search for chomsky npr on point and this site should be pulled up (I can't check it because I haven't posted yet.)
Speaking of b-sides, here are the B-side videos (videos that didn't quite make the cut) from my forthcoming youtube post:
A cute young girl who's learned to say "whatever" with tons of attitude:
Some Jersey guys who are ready to party SO HARD (stay for the final quote: "I can't wait to watch this on youtube")
Joe Pesci rapping:
A cool dove commercial chronicling the images that young girls are exposed to:
A classic Stiller appearance on Extras (thanks zee.) Skip the first minute until the Stiller speaks and then you can stop watching if you like. It rules:
A stop motion beatbox video that's pretty alright:
Finally, Erin pointed me to an article by an utter moron which makes the case that Poor people have more babies because of social welfare programs. His solution? Cut social welfare programs of course! What makes it so funny is that even though the guy is making the case that "If there were no social welfare, richer families would logically be larger families, since they could support more children." He says in the very next sentence, "In fact all through recorded human history and continuing to the present day poorer families tend to be larger."
I don't throw around things like "Biggest idiot" too often but this has to set some sort of record. He is, by logical extension, claiming that "through all of recorded human history, social welfare programs have existed." (Otherwise he would by undermining his own point by positing a deeper underlying factor that would cause poorer families to have more kids.) This is silly enough, but given the way he defines the problem he should understand that he's basically advocating child-reduction via starvation. See ya next time.
... in the debate over whether 2007 is the greatest or the worst year for music. And please, let's not have any fuddy-duddies*** out there suggesting that it could be somewhere in between best or worst. I mean, after all if you've watched enough of the smartest man in the world you'd know that head size=intelligence because caterpillars have smaller heads than cats, that if we make him our dictator he will solve our problems, that he has "an above-average vocabulary" and that he is "closer to absolute truth than any man has been before [him]." You'd also learn about binary logic: "1 or zero, yes or no- Binary Logic is something you depend on." Watch the video (linked above) because he says it like a spokesperson for some local business council ("our firefighters are people you depend on.") even though he's basically ripping-off Apocalypse Now (read the 9th one down.)
Based on 4 listens, this might be my fave song of the year and it's not even on their album. Rather it's from the collection of B-sides Radiohead offered with their discbox set. Without further ado, Radiohead- 4 minute Warning.